22 June 2010

Job Seeking

Job seeking, for me has never been difficult. I've always walked straight into it and settled very quickly into the £100 or £200 pounds appearing in my bank account on a weekly basis. However, now I have found myself completely jobless, it's beginning to scare me at how hard it seems to be able to get a job. Everyone I know seems to be working which leaves me with nothing to do during my days other than to eat or if I have the car go somewhere to do something.

I feel as if I have no purpose and that what ever I do has no meaning because I haven't looked forward to doing something. Nor have I had the time in work to think about what I wanted to do. I have too much time to think and too many choices. But the thoughts and choices just don't seem to lead anywhere.

It's not like I'm not trying though. It's just nowhere seems to want an intelligent, responsible and well mannered student to work for them. Sometimes I feel it's just beyond me. But I know I have to keep trying and once I have something, just settle for it. Take the boss peering down on you because you made one tiny mistake whilst others sneak off and do "naff" all. Take on extra shifts because you feel you won't get asked again. And feel worthless for those pennies that will, in the end, make you feel better about being a student.

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